How to Enable Admin Login CAPTCHA in storefront Magento 2

Magento platform is well known for its comprehensive security approach, so it is essential to ensure and upgrade the security of your administration. Therefore Magento developer does aiming for helping e-commerce website development while developing the platform. They are taking satisfy measures to secure the needs of the users such as implemented flexible file system, ownership, permissions, and safeguarded stores from clickjacking attacks and among others where CAPTCHA is another effective way for introducing another layer of security to Magento 2 admin accounts. 
What is CAPTCHA? 
CAPTCHA is known for completely automated Turing test to tell computer and human apart where it is a type of a challenge-response test which is used in computing to determine whether or not the user is human. 

Below are the given types of CAPTCHA: 
· Regular CAPTCHA – Here in this user has to write a few letters which are displaying on a screen to complete the form submission. 

· Simple math CAPTCHA – It is an arithmetic test. E.g., what is 2 + 7 

· No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA – It is an improved form of CAPTCHA which is developed by Google. It is user-friendly where it requires a user to click on a checkbox and reCAPTCHA it helps us giving advanced security low friction and simple interaction for end users. 

CAPTCHA in Magento 2 
CAPTCHA in Magento 2 admin used for sign in and forget password page where it has also used in storefront such as customer account login, register, forget password, checkout and contact us page. 

For an extra level of security, Magento e-commerce development can add CAPTCHA to the admin sign in and forgot password page for protecting back office password of your store where orders, catalog, content, and configurations are being managed. 

Below are the given steps to configuring an Admin CAPTCHA: 
· First open admin panel then clicks stores than in the setting section preferred configuration. 

· After selecting the admin under advanced in the panel. 

· Open CAPTCHA section and continue with the given following. 

· So in font field select name of the font which is used for the CAPTCHA symbol because LinLibertine is the default one. 

· Then in the forms field, select one of the following forms where CAPTCHA will be used. 

o i)Admin Login 

o Admin Forgot Password 

· Then in Displaying Mode, choose one of the following 

o Always 

o After the number of attempts to login 

· So for the number of unsuccessful attempts to login field enter the number of unsuccessful attempts to log in even before CAPTCHA appears. For instance, if you enter zero, then CAPTCHA will always be available. 

· In CAPTCHA timeout field enter the number of minutes before it is expiries because when the CAPTCHA expires the user need to reload the page for generating the new CAPTCHA. 

· Enter the rage number in the number of the symbols field where CAPTCHA will change. For example, 3-7 is the maximum number of symbols. 

· Then in the symbols used in the CAPTCHA field specify the symbols used in the CAPTCHA. Set the latter such as a-z and A-Z or number 0-9 along with that space and other characters will not be used in the default. 

· In the case sensitive field select yes if you need that the user should enter the upper and lowercase characters exactly as is shown. 

· Then when it get compete click on save the configuration. 

So for wrapping up Magento 2 CAPTCHA is an excellent way to achieve higher security for your Magento website development where it can help to ensure your Admin panel from a computer program which is used by malicious individuals.
