Major Ways to Increase User Retention with Mobile App Onboarding

Having a compelling app onboarding experience is so significant in this tech-driven era because an excellent user onboarding not only lower down abandonment rates, but it also helps you to boost long term success in areas like user lifetime value and user retention. Therefore, to increase user retention, mobile app development needs to be cutting edge and gives a seamless user experience like customer delight, design, and adding a great deal of value. So, below are the following ways for creating an effective user experience which will turn initials downloads into highly engaged users: 

Path of least resistance 

User onboarding is all about making an easy or instinctive app as possible for a new user to start using, because if it’s complicated for a user to log in or sign up, then it may increase the rate of user abandonment. So, you can take a path of least resistance, which means a single login or sign up screen, but that is not always a go-to approach. However, choosing a suitable onboarding experience majorly depends upon both the utility, which is a mobile app or a concept of a new app. 

Benefits oriented onboarding 

Given approach, for mobile app' onboarding communicates the significant values of an app such as what does the app do? What value will the app provide? Therefore, Slack keeps its mobile user onboarding precise while demonstrating the significant benefits of the product. 

Function oriented onboarding 

Function oriented mobile app onboarding not only demonstrating the benefits, but it is also helping to provide key functionalities. So, when you highlight specific features or functionalities that shows the user action which they take, and the functionality which should be used or when should be used. Hence, don’t add too much functionality; else it will look too complicated for users, so adding 3-4 function is the best option to choose. 

Progressive onboarding 

Given app onboarding’ mainly focus for educating users by their guided interactions. Therefore, the process is interactive which is allowing user with instruction as they use the app because if your app has a complex workflow, hidden functionalities, multiple sections, gesture-driven interactions, then progressive onboarding is the best approach. 


Hybrid approach to mobile app onboarding is mainly a combination of two or all the above for making it as seamless possible for users to begin the app. 

Reduce Sign-up/Log in Fields 

Lengthy forms are not a wise idea when the screen sizes are smaller. So, the ideal scenario is to enable a user to sign up or login using a single form, like social media account. Therefore, some mobile app also requires more information. For example, Service based app with a user base of existing customers. 

Concept of One Screen 

People usually grasp the information which is precise or centered. So, mobile app onboarding should provide information by using a single screen for describing a concept. So, it will also help you to avoid the overloading user with too much information. Hence, this practice is essential for a function orientated mobile onboarding, where the primary purpose is to demonstrate core features and functionalities. 


Feedback serves numerous purposes in mobile app onboarding, most commonly; it helps us to indicate errors or success in the validation process. So, this can be used through animations which act as positive reinforcement for completing interactions. 

Guided interaction to drive progress 

Complex apps majorly use progressive onboarding approach and functions for guiding tutorial of their product. So, the mobile app with the most successful progressive onboarding provides the fun in the discovery process without hindering the experience. Therefore, guided interaction in mobile app onboarding is all about engaging users in exploration, rather than what they have to do. However, given concept is so prevalent in video games where the users play through the action to become familiar with the controls and the environments. 


Animation in app onboarding' should always use one of the given purposes in mind. However, it needs to draw attention instead of irritating the user — for example, subtle animation which shows something undiscovered or the use of pagination dots for showing progress. 

Below are the following reasons to use animation in a mobile onboarding experience: 

· Can draw attention towards elements to help a user for making progress. 

· Feedback for positive reinforcement for specific action 

· Concept of space or presenting a new content without a user feeling like they are leaving a screen. 


User’s onboarding is the first step about the user. So, listening and acting upon the user's review can help you to identify the issues which they face during the onboarding progress. So, once you have enough data to see patterns, then start trying different things to test, then see if users like them or not. 

The app onboarding experience is something which needs extra attention if the companies want to increase overall user retention. So, one of the biggest concern for an app development companies is the user retention, because a mobile app success can be measured by high retentions rates which shows user to find continues values by using your app. Therefore, the user should be center of all onboarding decisions to help you to ensure that you are collecting a feedback to modifying your boarding process to suit the needs of your users. So, above given ways to help you to create a highly effective procedure which not only drives user engagement, but it will also help you to enhance the user experience.
